The Best Albums of 2008
This year much like the last I experienced a small dilemma: once again I've been caught between melody and lyricism. And when it came down to how I had to describe my most beloved of albums, especially the No. 1 Spot, I was at grips with it. It wasn't nearly as bad as last year, with albums from LCD Soundsystem and The National, but still these two bands from 2008 are in that exact same position: dance vs. baroque. Weirdly enough I didn't quite listen to these albums in an exhausted fashion such as last year's "Boxer."
This time it was a lot more about dynamics and structure that really allowed me to choose my favorite album moments in 2008.
So here it is, my favorite albums and honorable mentions of the year 2008:

Cut Copy, "In Ghost Colours"
In Ghost Colours is first off not only a great title but also an album of great musical strength in 2008. This was truly a big year Down Under. Cut Copy managed to make not only the best danceable tunes this year but they were also able to display some of the best melodies and songwriting skill sets. The album has a very linear idea with its "4 to floor" structure, amazing synth textures and great lead lines. But there are moments in the album that the band starts writing songs as a band. In "So Haunted" you feel how this album gets its grip on your heart.
The Walkmen, "You & Me"

Hands down this was the beauty and grace of 2008. It was the lyrical and emotional fortress for me this year. "The New Year" and most importantly "Red Moon" helped make this album my favorite for '08. I had a strong feeling a lot of skeptics and former fans would be turned off by the bands decent into something more like a quiet affair. I think a lot of people want to hear "The Rat" 2.0, but when you listen to this record heavily there is really no room for that. This dark morose sound is so strong you immediately get the sense that this album was recorded live and in a matter of hours or days. Its something I was striving to achieve myself as a musician and they nailed it for sure. For that I am so jealous and proud.

The Presets, "Apocalypso"
Another heavy hitting electro-pop album from Australia with instantly memorable melody hooks and lyrics that make you think twice: is thi cheesy or actually amazing? The Lifelike remix of "This Boy's in Love" is hands down the absolute best song to be made in '08. Amazing apocalyptic pop. Apocalypso!

Nada Surf, "Lucky"
The great thing about this band is with every release they leave behind the overblown stigma that they arrived with in 1996, with their unreal single "Popular". On the radio popular this band may not be, but they have a strong indie following and are highly regarded in all sorts of genres and blogs as just a great band that knows no boundary. This set of songs is an excellent execution of song writing from main man Matthew Caws. Its strange when you listen to these songs; they aren't specifically about heartbreak but they definitely do tug at that small place inside of the listener. Caws' no-bullshit-strait-forward lyricism is amazing and you can never second guess him.

Deerhunter, "Microcastle"
It took me only a couple of weeks to realize the quiet strength and amazing production that Deerhunter has in Microcastle. I love reverb, and I love 60's inspired guitars. 'Nuff said.

Conor Oberst, Self Titled
Bright Eyes' front man steps out, and he really fucking does it. After the mostly disappointing "Cassadaga," Oberst packs up, heads to Mexico, and writes some of the strongest songs in years about death and trying to sober up those thoughts with a strange cure called "Milk Thistle". He still manages to tread on Dylan and even Springsteen's territory but what the hell is wrong with that?

The Hold Steady, "Stay Positive"
An optimistic album title and they sure know how to show it. Craig Finn's lyrics are so heavy in personal banter and story line you get the sense he's still searching for the spiritual salvation he was trying to achieve two albums ago in "Separation Sunday." With songs like "Lord I'm Discouraged" and "One for the Cutters" you're almost convinced Finn forgot he wrote Separation Sunday. Finn just gives and gives when it comes to content, and that's fine by me.

Sigur Ros always releases great albums; heart wrenching melodies and pure music. They never cease to amaze or disappoint. The album's title is almost unpronounceable but thats the only thing about them that doesn't translate, even the gibberish makes sense.

Santogold, Self Titled
Santi White delivers a power punk, reggae smash debut that will leave her forever in my head as one of the best songstresses. Her voice is unreal and the songs are so tight, no-nonsense and no-waste it took me only one listen to just love the shit out of it. There are a lot of influences but all GOOD ONES. Unfortunately, from the get-go she was given so many M.I.A. comparisons that it initially turned me off. After hearing L.E.S. Artistes I was blown away, straight out of my reluctancy to listen to the rest of her album. This biddy can sing! Its a good thing I listened.

M83, "Saturdays=Youth"
This might have been the strongest album sonically of '08, and the funniest part is it SHOULD have been written in 1988 instead. This is a soundtrack to the best unwritten John Hughes film, filled with heavy airy synths and strong shoegaze influences. Kim and Jessie blew my mind for 3 weeks straight. There's something to be said about an album that manages to capture something so perfectly. I'm interested in seeing if their musical tastes keep evolving into the 90's and if Jessie will able to write the companion to "Kiss Me" by Sixpence Non the Richer. Unfortunately I'm only half kidding.

Jenny Lewis, "Acid Tongue"
Jenny's back, and she's still pretty and pathetic, or pretty pathetic. Either way she doesn't quite match her amazing debut album but she does go for a more soulful rendition of herself. The album was mostly live recording and there are some amazing moments. Acid Tongue took a little longer to sink in compared to the instantly lovable "Rabbit Fur Coat". Jenny still gets in your head with her lyrics and sweet croonings about love, drugs, desertion and salvation. She's always in someway making me love redheads just a little bit more with her audible sex appeal. And she can write great songs too.
This year was so single song heavy I had to just mention a handful of songs that really blew me away, even some sans album:
The Presets - "This Boy's In Love (Lifelike Remix)"
Empire of the Sun - "Walking on a Dream/Half Mast"
The Stills - "Being Here"
Cut Copy - "So Haunted"
Conor Oberst - "Danny Calahann"
The Walkmen - "Red Moon"
Sigur Ros - "Gobbledigook/inni mer syngur vitleysingur"
Santogold – "L.E.S. Artistes" Treasure Fingers - "Cross the Dancefloor" Estelle (Featuring Kanye West) - "American Boy"
Mates of State - "The Re-Arranger"
Lykke Li - "I'm Good, I'm Gone (Fred Falke Remix)"
Glasvegas - "It's My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry / Daddy's Gone"
Lastly I have a couple of album disappointments:
Death Cab for Cutie - "Narrow Stairs"
Bloc Party - "Intimacy"
Guns and Roses - "Chinese Democracy" (Durrrp!)
We Are Scientists - "Brain Thrust Mastery"
2008 was another amazingly fantastic year in music, and I opened up a bit more yet again. I am exited and optimistic about some upcoming releases in 2009. I really hope I'll be able to release something in '09 and make it onto some sort of Year End l
List. A Dude can only abide.