Kamikaze Birds, a new project of Kids with Snakes, trains whole flocks of our avian friends to take down jetliners, thus stranding passengers in New York City so nobody has to miss The JUMP OFF. Of course the safety of our Jump Offers is always considered, so we only target planes piloted by the best in the industry, such as Captain Sully. Kids with Snakes also supports conspiracy theories that the Hudson River plane crash is a well-executed publicity stunt for the upcoming season premiere of LOST.
But seriously people, here's a little more about what to expect at the JUMP OFF 11. You beauties are invited.
As always we are squeezing friends into tight spaces and in the wise words of Stephen, we're gonna party until we're in tears. For our 11th installment, we have resident DJs Stephen Pandolfi and Gavino Royce as always playing your favorite indie/house/electro/disco, but we also have our amazing guest DJ, Brooklyn's own Jubilee. This busy lady is the press director of Berlin label, Nightshifters, holds her own monthly party in BK alongside Nick Catchdubs and DJ Ayres called Flashing Lights, and can be found writing for Trash Menagerie, The 21 Gun Salute, and Nightshifters. Sometimes Jubilee Djs under the names 4AM Jess and Jolt...check out her latest mixtape here
Promise that everyone's gonna shake the living Hell out of you this Saturday, January 17th starting at 10 PM sharp. Come by early and have host with the most/floor manager Mikey Snake Muscles direct you to the nearest bottle of whiskey. What am I saying, he'll be happy to oblige all night. Also beware of the HUNs, because we will be taking notes all night to re-cap the nights happening the following day on kidswithsnakes.com. We're always watching...heh hehh!
Also! Check out the brand new exclusive mix from Kids with Snakes and Gavin Royce here,. Jam to this as you're putting on your pretty faces, which will be captured courtesy of the rascal Nicky Digital.
Come out and join us Saturday night, we'll warm you up!
285 Bedford Ave
21+ No Cover
10 PM-4 AM
Love love love!
Are you INSANE?? First of all, sorry but we have little to no information on Snake Wine. Actually, no information whatsoever. Secondly, you want to ingest a beverage that is mostly incorporated of snake venom and caracas??? We should make you the new blog administrator. Coolest!
ReplyDeleteHun i think he was fooled by the "n***** knife's" and rats on our page