Coming up this week GERMS moves one night over for one night only to Saturday December 12th! NO FEAR..we scored a few of the best NYC has to offer...DUN DUN DUN!!! In the main room JD SAMSON of the amazing MEN & LE TIGRE will be joining us for the first time! Her RUFF CLUB sets were never short of floor filling anthems and electro club bangers!
Returning for his second tour is RODEO DJ DAVID PACHO/ KID INDIE! Last time he played our second room but Saturday takes on the massive main stage!
In our second room we are excited to welcome former TEST ICICLES member Dev! Currently he is busy at work with two solo projects LIGHTSPEED CHAMPION & BLOOD ORANGE ! BIG NIGHT and we will have confetti canons, party favors, dancing cats etc. Open vodka & Pabst bar from 10-11pm **this Sat only** + 3$ Pabst all night long. Late night drink specials are not uncommon.