In a few short but long awaited hours, THE JUMP OFF 10 commences, and I wanted to personally take the time to remind all you crazy fucks to bring your hot asses. Maybe take a nap or something because this ones going 'til 4 AM, and the booze'll be flowing generously all night:
Jameson + PBR = $5
Jameson + Budweiser = $8
Get there early, its going to be packed to the brim, cozier than your lonely apartment!
Mark from VHS or BETA will be joining us tonight! We had a lovely time during their set last night at Webster Hall, and we convinced him to do a surprise set at our very own humble Savalas. Fiending to spin for a good party, we offered ours up and he gladly accepted. Basically, its going to be a shit show.
Also, the infamous Nicky Digital will be shootin' all your beautiful mugs-so go do some practice poses in the mirror.
Don't forget to pay your respects to our dearly departed Sparks by ripping one in public on the street right before you come in. That's right, fuck the po-lice and fuck The Man for causeing this grievance upon society!
Can't wait to see everyone, and please come say hi to Stephen, Mikey, Gavin, Alex, Nicky and the Huns!
P.S. Slap Suicide Bomber Barbie's ass while you're at it